We are delighted to announce the official launch of the GEMA Group alumni platform.

The aim of this initiative is to create a dynamic and committed community of current and former students of the Group’s prestigious schools: the IA School, the ESI GREEN & SOCIAL BUSINESS SCHOOL and the Cyber Management School.

This platform offers a unique opportunity to connect, share and succeed together.

  1. Developing a solid, unified network
  2. The program on the platform
  3. A milestone for the group


GEMA, communauté, réseau alumni

Déveloping a solid, unified network:

With the launch of its alumni platform, the GEMA Group aims to create a dynamic and engaged community of alumni from its three schools.

This platform provides a space where current students and alumni alike can come together, share job offers, news and events relevant to their respective fields.

By encouraging exchange and collaboration within this alumni community, the GEMA Group promotes networking, knowledge sharing and professional opportunities for alumni. The GEMA Group alumni platform is therefore an invaluable tool for maintaining links between alumni, reinforcing their commitment and promoting their professional success.


The program on the platform :

The main aim of this platform is to bring together all GEMA Group alumni in a single virtual space. By joining this community, alumni will be able to keep abreast of the latest school news, share relevant job offers and take part in exclusive events.

Job offers for a successful career

The GEMA Group alumni platform also includes a section dedicated to job offers. Partner companies and recruiters will be able to post job offers specifically aimed at members of the community. It’s also an opportunity to develop co-optation within the network, by putting alumni and students in touch with each other. Whether it’s mentoring or internship/job offers, the career center is there to offer the best professional opportunities to network members!


Keep up to date with all the latest group news

Members will be able to keep up to date with the latest news from GEMA Group schools thanks to the dedicated section on the alumni platform. These news items enable members to maintain a strong link with their former students, and continue to develop their sense of belonging. Through a variety of formats (portraits, workshops, newsletters, etc.), the Group is able to gather around its news and that of its members.


Key events for forging links

The alumni platform will also be the ideal place to discover and take part in exclusive events. Thanks to this functionality, the group will be able to create all its events online, physically or as a hybrid, and bring its community together. Communications, invitations, seat purchases, tickets, QR codes… everything is possible on the platform, making it possible to know who are the registered members, those who participated and even those who simply shared the event.


A milestone for the group

The GEMA Group’s alumni platform marks an important step in strengthening links between alumni of the Group’s schools. It offers a unique opportunity to connect, share and succeed together. By joining this community, alumni will benefit from privileged access to job offers, school news and exclusive events.

We invite all alumni to register now on the GEM alumni platform and be part of this exciting adventure that will shape the future of each and every one of us.


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