Did you know you can develop your alumni community during the back to school period? You can encourage new students to activate their account with your platform, and above all take advantage of the opportunity to rekindle relations with your members and start building links.

  1. Introduce newcomers to the network
  2. Include your alumni
  3. Organise welcome events
  4. Keep in touch with your business partners


Introduce newcomers to the network

Not all students know what an alumni network is. It’s up to you to present it to them, explaining the advantages and benefits they will derive from it. Highlight the number of members in your community and the various services you offer (job board, career space, mentoring, etc.). The start of the new school year is the perfect opportunity to grab their attention and invest an initial part of it right from the start of the year.


Include your alumni

And who better to support you in this process than your alumni and students already involved in the network. Get them to talk about their experiences. They’ll naturally be able to communicate with your new arrivals, and use their experience to engage them.


Organise welcome events

In addition to the back-to-school presentation and the presentation by your alumni, make the network more tangible by organising events. Favour physical meetings if you can, as this always creates a stronger bond. And vary the formats, so that each meeting is an opportunity to highlight a particular service: a networking evening, a feedback conference, workshops, “club” evenings, etc.


Keep in touch with your business partners

Finally, don’t forget your corporate partners. You can include them in your back-to-school events. Above all, strengthen your relationship by sharing your work placement/ternship timetable, the number of students available and in which subjects… Plan your joint highlights now, especially if you are organising virtual or hybrid Business Forums. This will enable your partners to allocate their resources to these highlights and maximise the potential of your relationship.


Tous les contenus pour gérer efficacement votre réseau

The back-to-school period is a key moment in your communications, so make the most of it to make an impact on your audience and get your important messages across. For example, Dauphine Alumni took advantage of this moment to announce its new mobile application. The possibilities are endless! And if you need any ideas, contact us?


Would you like to go further in managing, leading and developing your alumni community? Here’s our best content to meet your needs!

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