The University Toulouse Capitole has officially launched its Alumni online network : Alumni UT Capitole. Its offers a social network to its members : students, Alumni, teachers, partners and recruiters.
The goals are numerous :
- federating more than 40 000 members
- providing job and internship offers
- allowing the members to join groups related to their interests, courses or academic promotion
- inviting them to attend the University events
- offering them a space to put content like articles, media or news
- encouraging communication between the University partners, students and alumni
AlumnForce has succeeded in interfacing its solution with the tool APOGEE. The platform is free for all the University members (students, Alumni, teachers and partners) and has been deployed on every departments of the University.
The UT Capitole has also set a « ressources area » which is accessible to the members to help them getting in touch with each other or finding companies, and where they can find the University online paper.
Please visit Alumni UT Capitole network here
Photos : © UT Capitole