We are pleased to announce the launch of AlumnForce solution for the « Lycée & CFA Hôteliers of Marseille« . The Highschool is offering training for students who are wishing to work in the hotel or catering industry. It is hosting a CFA : a training center for apprentice. There are 750 high school students, 450 apprentices and 100 adults in continuous training. The Highschool has developed partnerships with other schools in the world : Spain, Italy, China, United Kingdoms and Japan.

What are the advantages of such a network for a CFA ?
There are numerous advantages for a CFA to develop professional networks for its students, Alumni and partners since it is often representing a professional sector in which networking and collaboration are important. Those training centers often have a community which has a strong sense of belonging.

The « Lycée & CFA Hôteliers of Marseille » network

The goal of this network is the creation of « a personal and professional network between members, companies, students and the Highscool« . With the network, every members will have an access to the students directory, they will be able to take part to events, to look for jobs or to provide job offers thanks to a jobboard.
Eventually, every members will have the opportunity to contribute to the network development by writing articles or creating events !

Visit that network !