A new vision of Saint-Cyr students and Alumni to develop their professional network

La Saint-Cyrienne, the students and alumni network of l’Ecole Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr (Special Military School of Saint-Cyr) has launched its online platform in collaboration with AlumnForce.

Founded in 1887 and hailed by the French Academy in 1917, the association was located inside the School and is now located in Paris. There are numerous links between the association and Saint-Cyr. For example, the school’s general in command is a member of the board of directors.

La Saint-Cyrienne has several goals :

  • to provide a moral and material help to its members and their family

  • to reinforce solidarity between students and alumni and to assist officers to help them accomplish their vocation

  • to participate to the school’s reputation and to maintain the value of French officers and the French Army


With its Alumni network which gathers around 6 000 subscribers, La Saint-Cyrienne clearly shows its will :

  • to increase their current students and Alumni’s communications and encounters by forming groups and sending newsletters

  • to possess a storage space to put archives and documents with a Document library

  • to provide a mobile app to its members


Find out about Saint-Cyrienne alumni network here


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Image de Matthieu


Je recherche le meilleur de l'actualité alumni pour vous : tendances, bonnes pratiques, guides... Toutes les infos dont vous avez besoin pour apporter de la valeur à votre réseau !


Nom commun, invariable

1. Diplômé(e) d’une université / écoles / formation
2. Ancien d’une entreprise / organisation
3. Pluriel de alumnus

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