Empower my Alumni network, what for?

Training institutions that have not wondered how to implement a powerful Alumni network yet are lagging several steps. The valorization of Alumni networks has become a strategic topic for any training institution whishing to stand out from the domestic and international competition. For it to become a competitive asset or a recruiting tool, Alumni networks need to be dynamic, powerful and to offer career opportunities.
But what are the in and outs of a successful strategy towards the Alumni network? AlumnForce, is a French company specialized in the development of 2.0 web applications to help you manage social and professional networks dedicated to students, Alumni, teachers and recruiters. Thanks to our expertise and experience, we will help you crack the codes of Alumni networks.
Based on our 7-year experience and our collaboration with over 70 Alumni networks and associations in France and worldwide, we have gathered several testimonials and identified best practices to manage an Alumni community. We hope you will find all the answers to your questions in the first edition of the AlumnForce white paper on Alumni networks.
Alumni networks, cornerstone of higher education institutions strategies
Part 1: How to draw your community attention?

  • Identify the needs and interests of your network
  • Foster the sense of belonging
  • Give access to an online directory
  • Promote professional integration and career development

Part 2: How to manage your network?

  • Gather a team
  • Be ubiquitous
  • Communicate via social networks

Part 3: How to finance your network?

  • Involve the members of your network using contributions
  • Offer various contribution packages
  • Divide-and-rule: diversify your financing sources

Our long-term analysis of Alumni network empowerment 


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