AlumnForce Clients Success Stories – ADI INSEEC: How can you durably draw the attention of your community?

Hello everyone,
We are happy to present you our latest AlumnForce Clients Success Story.
You all want to know how to durably draw the attention of the members of your Alumni and students community and to make the best of it on a long-term perspective.
But how can you successfully address such a challenge? Jean-Claude Puerto, INSEEC Alumni network president, tells us more about the involvement of his team’s members and the role Alumni networks play among the higher education landscape.

What about you? Share your experience with us!
Margaux Pronost
Communication & Relation Alumni Network

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Image de Matthieu


Je recherche le meilleur de l'actualité alumni pour vous : tendances, bonnes pratiques, guides... Toutes les infos dont vous avez besoin pour apporter de la valeur à votre réseau !


Nom commun, invariable

1. Diplômé(e) d’une université / écoles / formation
2. Ancien d’une entreprise / organisation
3. Pluriel de alumnus

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