Launching a customised Alumni platform to celebrate the 20 years of the Multimedia School !

Ecole multimédia

The biggest french network for digital professionals” has been built by the Multimedia School. To find an alumni through the online members directory, to access the events thanks to the network agenda, or even to find a job with the help of the partners and graduates network : here are some of the numerous possibilities of the Multimedia School brand new alumni network created by AlumnForce.

This network is made for students, graduates, partners, recruiters and teachers who are currently in the school or who were previously in it.

Such a network is an excellent way to capitalize on its alumni for example by getting reports & analytics about its community. Indeed, more than 8 000 graduates are part of the network, which also benefits from the presence, expertise and partnership of more than 2 000 companies !

That website hosts a jobboard with hundreds of job offers ! It is a true opportunity for the online alumni and students community but also for the recruiters, who can post job offers and “hunt” qualified candidates.

Eventually, the Multimedia School highlights some “thematic conferences animated by specialists” from its network on the platform. The community members can also find some other events – Job dating, Profesionnal talk… -.

Please visit the Multimedia School alumni network


Ecrit par :

Image de Matthieu


Je recherche le meilleur de l'actualité alumni pour vous : tendances, bonnes pratiques, guides... Toutes les infos dont vous avez besoin pour apporter de la valeur à votre réseau !


Nom commun, invariable

1. Diplômé(e) d’une université / écoles / formation
2. Ancien d’une entreprise / organisation
3. Pluriel de alumnus

AlumnForce, une solution complète pour votre réseau et vos membres.

Composez votre plateforme web & mobile pour votre réseau.

4 solutions complètes pour créer la plateforme idéale.

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