The AlumnForce awakens

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Alumni relations already were a precious added-value for the Jedi community.

Who could train Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one supposed to bring balance to the force, but a Jedi knight? Obi-Wan Kenobi, who himself graduated from the Jedi Knights Academy, was a brother and a mentor to Anakin. Not only did he taught him how to become a Jedi Knight but also tried his best – really – to transmit him the values of the Jedi community.

Provided your members stay away from the dark force, we recommend you to promote this kind of relationship through a mentoring program within your Alumni community as well!

How to master the AlumnForce we will teach you!

Each student is a potential prestigious future Alumni. Therefore, you should make sure to engage them while they are still students: show them the power of their Alumni network. After graduation, keep contact or reconnect with all Alumni to let them know about how their school or university is doing and what they could do to take part in its development. Give them the opportunity to share their experience with future or current students, ask them to support some projects with time, energy or gifts, make them become your ambassador. Let them be your Yoda!


In our galaxy, not so long ago, Alumni relations used to be about golfing and having a drink once every decade with former classmates. Now it has become a strategic asset for every higher education institution wishing to stand out from the competition, recruit new students and involve Alumni in their strategic development. AlumnForce is a toolkit solution designed to help you manage this exceptional and unique community. Find out now how you can empower your Alumni relations and engage with members with us!

Come and join the light side of the force with AlumnForce!



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Picture of Matthieu


Je recherche le meilleur de l'actualité alumni pour vous : tendances, bonnes pratiques, guides... Toutes les infos dont vous avez besoin pour apporter de la valeur à votre réseau !

Alumni [a]
Plural noun

1. Graduate of a university / school / training
2. Alumni of a company / organisation
3. Plural of alumnus

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